Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tips to Reduce Turnover in Reading PA with Exit Interviews | Berks ...

December 18th, 2012

Employees may leave your Southern PA company for any number of reasons.? From higher pay to better opportunity, job burnout to management issues, the reasons people quit are as diverse as the employees themselves.

The fact is, change is a constant in business and a certain amount of turnover is to be expected.? But that?s little consolation if you have a ?revolving door? in your organization.? Left unchecked, turnover can lower productivity, lead to substantial knowledge loss and undermine your company?s profitability.

If turnover is affecting your business, it?s time to start asking some questions.? Exit interviews are powerful tools to help you understand turnover and stop it in its tracks:

  • Because employees are leaving, their exit interview responses are generally very honest, constructive and objective ? providing insights about your company, processes and staff you might not otherwise get.
  • Once you understand employees? reasons for leaving, you can take appropriate remedial actions (e.g., changing your recruiting process, onboarding, training, etc.) to increase employee tenure.
  • Ultimately, exit interviews may reveal systemic problems (e.g., organizational structure, corporate culture, out-of-touch management, etc.) and uncover opportunities for improving your company as a whole.

Of course, the success of your exit interviews will depend on the quality of questions you ask.? While the specific questions you include will be driven by the unique requirements of the position, here are a few sample exit interview questions to use as a starting point:

  • Why have you decided to leave?
  • What have you enjoyed about working for us?
  • What is the primary reason for your decision?
  • What other factors influenced your decision to leave?
  • How do you feel about our company?
  • How well were you managed?
  • What could we have done early on to prevent this situation from developing?
  • What can you tell me about communications within your department and throughout the company as a whole?
  • What has been frustrating, difficult or upsetting about your work experience here?
  • How would you describe our company?s culture?
  • How could our company improve working conditions, amenities, hours/shifts, etc.?
  • Were you trained/developed adequately for your role?
  • What more can our company do to keep its best employees?

Additional exit interview questions for recent recruits (who worked with you for less than a year):

  • How would you describe your recruiting and onboarding experience?
  • How could we improve our recruiting process?? Our onboarding process?? Our new employee training process?
  • How could we have helped you better understand your job, your role and how to work effectively with other departments?
  • How well did your skills, personality and experience fit the actual job?

Ideally, these questions should be asked during a face-to-face exit interview.? An in-person exit interview allows you to ask relevant follow-up questions that clarify responses and yield higher quality information.

As a leading Central and Southern PA staffing service, Berks & Beyond understands the challenges chronic turnover poses.? In many cases, we can help you staff high-turnover positions more effectively ? saving you time, money and countless headaches.? Contact Berks & Beyond today to learn more about our staffing and recruiting services for Berks County employers.

Source: http://blog.berksandbeyond.com/2012/12/18/turnover-problems-in-southern-pa-exit-interviews-may-help-you-understand-and-fix-them/

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