Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The end of big Internet Marketing product launches? | Jim Cockrum ...

Alternate title 1: Marketing while still being able to look at yourself in the mirror?it?s not too late
Alternate title 2: Why the good guy are winning more often online

Mark my words -

I predict that the era of mega Internet Marketing Launches is coming to a close. They will eventually die an ugly and slow death because WE the consumers will demand it and literally FRY those who go against the wave of angry victims that nearly all big launches create.

What?s an IM Launch? If you don?t know what an IM Launch is I?ll sum it up for you. The same list of 15-20 ?gurus? all cooperate to launch high price tag product after product to hopeful online entrepreneurs. The ?gurus? take turns propping up each others big launches while giving away massive prizes to each other for the most affiliate sales. Endorsements flow like water from one ?guru? to the next for each big launch without even so much as reading a summary of what the product contains. Email sales copy is ?copy/pasted? and there?s a BUY NOW before it?s all over edge to each ?launch?.

While there will always be suckers willing to pay $X,XXX for each sharply packaged digital course, here?s what?s going to change very soon:

The ever growing list of SMART CONSUMERS in the IM niche (I hope this includes you) are going to start using their ever increasing online influence to tell their ever growing loyal audiences to STAY AWAY from the shiny objects. And the growing trend is that consumers are NAMING NAMES and ending the careers of those deserving of termination.

I?ve developed some standards that I think we need for the entire industry as consumers and as creators of ?online business growth? content:

1) If the training is digitally delivered, make it affordable. If it?s SOOO great, you?ll have plenty of people who want one-on-one coaching to grow the biz and that coaching (if it?s good) can be worth more money later to your top students. This is good marketing, good business, and starts things off on the right foot with nervous students.

2) No bright shiny objects allowed (cut the graphics crap, cut the false scarcity, the exotic backgrounds etc.) As buyers we don?t care ? or at least we SHOULDN?T! If you DO actually buy into flashy presentation and care what car your ?guru? drives shame on you. YOU are the sucker and you will soon be waving good-bye to what little cash you have left.

3) Start small, grow slow, & make sure it?s not going to be saturated before you start sharing it with us. In other words, no more big launches on unproven and unreliable concepts. PROVE it first by rolling it out to people who trust you?we?ll buy later once you have REAL testimonials from real people and can prove that you are onto something worthy of mass attention. I?m blessed that I?ve come up with THREE such concepts in my ten years of doing this business. I don?t trust ANYONE who comes up with a new concept every few months!

4) Recruit your early successful students to present their ideas to the rest of us as their businesses grow. Let the content GROW as new creative ideas and people come on board. Commit long term to things you believe in and produce results.

5) Hire successful students to monitor the MANDATORY INCLUDED discussion forums and let everyone hang out and learn there.

6) With rare exception, there should be no time limits on refunds for online courses. If the course is SOOO great it should still be working six months from now. We should still be seeing new success stories then as well and the content should still be getting updates for relevance.

7) End guru worship. Showing off the stuff you have does not impress the kind of customer that you?ll need if you want to build a real business.

8) Your ?expert testimonials? are crap. Show us real people giving their FIRST EVER real testimonial. Those are the ones that matter.

Am I forgetting anything?

How can YOU help make this a reality? STOP BUYING STUFF THAT YOU KNOW IS GARBAGE.

Lesson for my ?expert? colleagues: If you aim your marketing at idiots you?ll soon have an audience of the same.


I?d love to read your comments on this one! Use the comment button above and add your thoughts.

Source: http://www.jimcockrum.com/blog/2013/04/01/marketing-while-still-being-able-to-look-at-yourself-in-the-mirror-its-not-too-late/

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