Thursday, October 25, 2012

Latest campaign front news concerning California death penalty repeal initiative

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October 23, 2012

Latest campaign front news concerning California death penalty repeal initiative

This new local article, headlined "California's Prop. 34: Battle over fate of state's death penalty heating up," reports on the latest campaign developments two weeks before California's go to the polls to decide whether to repeal the state's death penalty. Here are excerpts:

[T]he two rival campaigns are unveiling ads this week relying on very different messages to appeal to voters being asked for the first time to abandon the death penalty since it was restored more than three decades ago. In short, the pro-Proposition 34 forces are asking voters to save California money and rid the state of the justice system's most costly and controversial law. And law enforcement foes of the measure are reminding the public of the notorious killers who wind up on death row, from Richard Allen Davis to mass murderer Charles Ng.

Proposition 34 backers on Monday launched a series of statewide television and radio ads, bankrolled by a campaign that has pulled in more than $6.5 million from a roster of the rich and famous. Actors Martin Sheen and Edward James Olmos provide the introductions to the television ad, which features a Los Angeles man who spent more than 20 years in prison for a murder he did not commit.

The radio spots focus on the central theme of the Proposition 34 campaign: that the California death penalty system is too flawed and expensive to maintain and should be scrapped to save what backers say could be a billion dollars or more in the coming decade. Don Heller, a former Sacramento prosecutor who co-authored the 1978 law and has now renounced the death penalty, anchors the radio ads. "These ads are going to be important," said former Los Angeles District Attorney Gil Garcetti, a one-time death penalty supporter now backing the campaign.

Meanwhile, the cash-strapped opposition to Proposition 34, with just a few hundred thousand dollars in campaign funds raised so far, is relying on Web advertisements that offer up a new death row villain to profile every few days, highlighting victims' families and law enforcement officials who've encountered the worst killers in California. The ads thus far have included Ng and the most recent released on Monday about Tahua "Tao" Rivera, sentenced to die for the 2004 slaying of a Merced police officer.

Using what they call a "grass roots" campaign, the No on Proposition 34 leaders are also taking their show on the road. That includes a public event Tuesday in San Jose, where Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen, San Mateo County District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe and Marc Klaas, father of murder victim Polly Klaas, will speak out against the measure.

October 23, 2012 at 01:59 PM | Permalink


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Khubeka, Louw to set Maseru alight : Lesotho Times

MASERU ? South Africa?s legends Abigail Kubeka and Marah Louw are billed to share the stage with local Afro-jazz sensation Paul Qebe known as Khakheni at ?Manthabiseng Convention Centre on November 2.

The trio will perform at a show dubbed the Legendary Divas Tour which has been organised by a Cape Town-based company Retail Leaders.

The group, that also includes Dorothy Masuku, got together in July last year for the Bastille Day event and performed a special tribute to the late Miriam Makeba.

Retail Leaders business manager, Janke Jabbie, told the Weekender that Khakheni shared the stage with Kubeka and Louw during the latter?s 60th birthday celebrations on July 17.

?The show was a huge success. This led the divas inviting Khakheni to be their opening act on their tour to Lesotho,? she said.

?Very unfortunately though, Dorothy Masuku won?t be part of the line-up due to other commitments.?

She added: ?The tour is intended to continue for the next six months in South Africa and other southern African countries.?

Jabbie said the tour is a celebration of the trio?s 50th anniversary in the arts and entertainment industry.

?The show in Lesotho is also meant to promote Louw?s new album titled Marah Worships the African way.

?Some of the songs they are going to perform are those by Makeba so they will also be paying homage to Makeba who was also their friend within their repertoire,? she said.

Jabbie told the Weekender that the collaboration with local artistes will add value and promote Lesotho?s arts and entertainment industry.

?We are going to have a few surprises locally but they will be unveiled at the show,? she said.

Khakheni in a separate interview told the Weekender that sharing the stage with the two South African divas will give him more exposure as an artiste.

?It will add more energy in the sense that I have more gigs coming my way after this performance,? Khakheni said.

The 50-year-old said sharing the stage with these much celebrated artistes on home soil is an honour.

?It is going to be an honour for me to be performing in front of my fellow countrymen and women on home soil,? Khakheni said.

?It is also going to give me more exposure as we are going to many places and countries soon after the local show.?

Khakheni ? whose only album Thusa Ntate was released in 2008 ? said he will also be performing in public for the first time with his music group.

?This will also be my very first performance with Bayete both as their leader and group member,? he said.

Meanwhile, Jabbie said the show will start at 8pm. Tickets are being sold at Computicket at M250 each.

?The legendary divas Abigail Kubeka, Marah Louw and Dorothy Masuku are true South African icons who are well respected and admired for their important and distinguished contribution to the arts and entertainment industry spanning over 50 years,? she added.

Jabbie said the three divas received positive review since their first collaboration in July.

?All their shows and performances received sensational reviews both from fans and the media. The shows left everyone wanting to hear more of their unique and powerful presence on stage and vocal combination hence the tour.?


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October 23, 2012 Updated Oct 23, 2012 at 2:04 PM EDT

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wall Street gets it wrong on presidential politics, experts say

ScienceDaily (Oct. 24, 2012) ? With Election Day less than a month away, television is filled with talking heads spreading the conventional wisdom of what a Republican or Democrat president might mean for the economy.

But when it comes to the relationship between presidential politics and the behavior of the financial markets, a group of business researchers says that conventional wisdom might not be so wise.

The researchers reviewed more than 40 years of data (1965-2008) to examine the relationship between security returns and four variables:

  • the political affiliation of the president;
  • the presence or absence of political gridlock;
  • the presidential term cycle effect; and
  • Federal Reserve monetary policy.

While many academic papers have analyzed those factors separately, the authors of this study considered them simultaneously.

When all four of those factors were taken into account, the researchers concluded, many of the commonly held beliefs about how politics impact the market simply did not hold true.

Markets unmoved by a president's party affiliation

One of the most commonly repeated truisms called into question by the study is that the political affiliation of the president has an impact on the market. In reality, whether the president is a Republican or a Democrat is most often insignificant to the performance of the markets.

"While the party of the president garners much of the attention of the press, it appears that other factors have a much more prominent relationship with security returns," says Gerald Jensen, the Jones, Diedrich, Mennie professor of finance at the NIU College of Business. He has spent years researching the topics covered in the study.

The misconception about the president's party affiliation appears to have grown out of research that looked at isolated factors.

For instance, numerous studies have shown that stock returns (especially for small stocks) are substantially higher during Democratic presidencies relative to Republican administrations. Similarly, bond returns during Republican administrations are twice as high relative to returns generated during Democratic administrations.

However, Jensen and his colleagues found, when the other factors considered in this study are controlled, the difference in the performance of the markets across presidents from different parties is statistically insignificant.

Gridlock is not good

Many pundits and researchers maintain that political gridlock -- which occurs when different parties control the White House and the legislature -- is good for the market. Under such conditions, they reason, there is less chance of significant fiscal policy actions, which tend to disrupt financial markets.

In reality, the authors report, political harmony is better for equities.

That was especially true for smaller stock indexes where annualized returns were reportedly 22.38 percent higher during harmony as opposed to gridlock. Even when researchers adjusted for other factors, Jensen says, the benefits of political harmony remained clear.

Despite what the numbers say, the perception that gridlock is good has established itself. "It has been repeated so often I think that it has sort of been accepted as fact," Jensen says.

He speculates that people hang their argument on specific examples -- such as the Clinton presidency, when markets excelled despite political gridlock -- and fail to consider other evidence.

While it is clear that, during the period studied, political harmony coincided with strong equity performance, Jensen and his fellow researchers stop short of saying that there is a dependency between the two. "We have identified a relationship, but we aren't saying that one causes the other," he cautions.

Time will tell

While elections naturally bring up discussions of how politics influence the markets, Jensen and his colleagues found that political outcomes have little immediate impact. In fact, history has demonstrated that the most favorable return patterns are not manifested in the market for three years.

One theory is that the Federal Reserve loosens monetary policy in ways that reflect favorably upon incumbents in Congress and the White House to help encourage re-election. However, Jensen points out, even when the researchers adjusted for Fed policy changes, the economy seemed to consistently rally in the third year of a presidency.

It's all about the Fed

While much attention is focused on issues such as the president's political affiliation and gridlock, investors might be better served by paying less attention to those factors and more to how the election might affect Federal Reserve policy, Jensen says.

"A tightening of Fed monetary policy generally precedes poor equity market performance and increased inflationary pressures. Ultimately, that factor seems to carry the greatest weight, so that is what investors should pay attention to," he says.

"In the end, policies are more important than politics," he adds.

"While the chairman of the Federal Reserve is appointed by the president, I don't think people pay much attention to what party he comes from. Instead they watch what he is doing. Perhaps they should look at politicians the same way. It's not their party affiliations that are important, but the policies that they put forth."

The study, "What to Expect When You're Electing," was conducted by Jensen and co-authors Scott B. Beyer, associate professor at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh College of Business; Luis Garcia-Feijoo, assistant professor at Florida Atlantic University College of Business; and Robert R. Johnson, professor of finance at Creighton University College of Business.

Key Findings

The key empirical findings reported in the study are consistent with the following:

  • Equity investors, especially those that target small-cap stocks, would be wise to monitor Fed policy actions, while paying limited attention to the party of the president. Investors should be particularly wary of a shift to a restrictive Fed monetary policy.
  • Contrary to the conventional view, equity investors should welcome political harmony; however, debt investors should prefer continued political gridlock.
  • Fed policy shifts warrant consideration as potential signals of coming inflationary pressures. A shift to a restrictive policy stance should alert investors to higher future inflation and support a re-allocation to securities that offer more inflation protection (e.g., commodities and TIPS).
  • Regardless of the political outcome in November, it appears that equity investors typically will have to wait until the third year of the next presidential term before reaping the benefits of the election season.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Northern Illinois University.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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GOP regent candidates take issue with Republican War on Women Event

GOP regent candidates take issue with university event 'The Republican War on Women?'


Cunningham (UM Spokeswoman)said the event is nonpartisan.

Rob Steele, an Ypsilanti Republican candidate for U-M's governing board, thinks otherwise.
"A cursory look at the original poster clearly shows the political intent of the conference sponsors. Public funds should not be used to sponsor partisan political events," he asserted, saying that if elected he would work to eliminate such events.

The crosshairs make me uncomfortable, but its also an accurate depiction. What makes me much more uncomfortable is the idea that someone who wants to be a regent would work to stifle discussion on campus.

It is part of why I try to pay attention to who is on the ballot for regents because it does affect the city when they're picked from a box of rocks.

Protest erupts in response to forum on women


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Men with certain cardiovascular risk factors may be at increased risk of peripheral artery disease

ScienceDaily (Oct. 23, 2012) ? Among nearly 45,000 men who were followed up for more than two decades, those with the risk factors of smoking, hypertension, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes had an associated greater risk of developing PAD, according to a study in the October 24/31 issue of JAMA.

"Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a distinct atherosclerotic syndrome marked by stenosis or occlusion [blockage] of the arteries, particularly of the lower extremities. PAD affects 8 to 10 million individuals in the United States, and is associated with reduced functional capacity and increased risk for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Despite its widespread prevalence and negative associations with quality of life, morbidity, and mortality, PAD remains underdiagnosed and undertreated," according to background information in the article. Preventable or treatable risk factors for PAD are generally thought to be similar to other forms of cardiovascular disease, however their respective associations with risk of PAD and the extent to which they are jointly associated with the incidence of PAD are not well established.

Michel M. Joosten, Ph.D., of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston, and colleagues conducted a study to estimate the individual and cumulative associations of the 4 conventional cardiovascular risk factors of smoking, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and type 2 diabetes with the risk of PAD among men. The study included 44,985 men in the United States without a history of cardiovascular disease at the beginning of the study in 1986; participants in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study were followed up for 25 years until January 2011. The presence of risk factors was updated biennially during follow-up.

During a median (midpoint) follow-up of 24.2 years, there were 537 cases of incident PAD. The researchers found that each risk factor was significantly and independently associated with a higher risk of PAD after adjustment for the other 3 risk factors and confounders. Regardless of duration category, all men with a risk factor had higher risks of developing PAD compared with men without risk factors. Each additional risk factor approximately doubled the risk for PAD. Men who did not have any of the 4 risk factors had a 77 percent lower risk for developing PAD compared with all other men in the group. In 96 percent of PAD cases, at least 1 of the 4 risk factors was present at the time of PAD diagnosis.

Risk of PAD tended to increase with duration of both type 2 diabetes and hypercholesterolemia. Among men with a positive history of hypertension, risk of PAD was higher among men who reported use of 1 antihypertensive drug or 2 or more antihypertensive drugs compared with men with hypertension who did not report current use of antihypertensive drugs. Cumulative intensity of smoking demonstrated a graded relationship with risk.

"In conclusion, in this well-characterized cohort of U.S. men followed up for longer than 2 decades, smoking, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and type 2 diabetes each demonstrated strong, graded, and independent associations with risk of clinically significant PAD," the authors write.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Medical Association (AMA).

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Joosten MM, Pai JK, Bertoia ML, et al. Associations Between Conventional Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Risk of Peripheral Artery Disease in Men. JAMA, 2012; 308 (16): 1660-1667 DOI: 10.1001/jama.2012.13415

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Is ?The Big O? Making Or Breaking Your Relationship?

Now that I got your not exactly what you think...

When most people hear the words ?the big O,? they immediately think of the word orgasm. While clearly that?s a big factor in any ?satisfied? relationship, it?s definitely not the only important ingredient.

The ?O? I?m talking about is Objectification.

The reason I?m addressing this topic is because it can be a powerful driver of your emotions than can either steer you in the direction of a beautiful and fulfilling relationship...or it can leave you stranded in a ditch wondering what the hell just happened.

What is Objectification & How Does It Harm You?

Objectification is simply a process by which we create some sort of alternate identity or an avatar of sorts for someone that takes away their humanity or human characteristics and reduces them to some kind of simplified caricature. Oftentimes, that new identity is based on some sort of stereotype or an association of some type...but not always. More often than not, objectification is a negative process that tends to limit rather than expand the way we ?see? a person.

Here are some examples...

There are many ways this happens in relationships...again, most of them are less than flattering portrayals. Have you ever heard someone refer to a spouse as ?the old ball and chain? for example? That?s an objectification that centers around someone who associates them with limited freedom. An old ?battle-axe?...that?s hardly flattering. Maybe someone gets tagged as ?clueless? if they make a mistake, get lost on a trip or hold an opinion that differs from their mate. Once you begin primarily associating someone with less-than-impressive characteristics, it?s easy to see how you begin to treat them less well...or maybe even downright poorly the longer it continues. Can you think of a time when you objectified someone or were on the receiving end of it?

Look for it in pop culture.

One of the most popular targets of objectification nowadays that plays out every night on prime-time TV is the male head of household figure. If I had a dime for every time a wise-cracking kid or ?intellectually superior? wife spoke down to, insulted or ridiculed the husband or father figure on TV, I?d be writing this from a beach somewhere. Ironically, this happens often because it?s ?safe? to lampoon the one who?s seen as powerful. Insult a woman or child and you?re seen as a misogynist or bully; go after the man and it?s just plain funny. However, this repetitive man-bashing has a cost when it magically sneaks into our culture due to its familiarity. After all, how do you really feel comfortable deferring to the judgment of the good-natured buffoon who?s been the repeated butt of your jokes that ridicule his very intelligence?

Not All Objectification Is Meant To Be Bad...

Organizations use a positive form of objectification all the time to prop up a leader or lavish praise upon someone. (Although those who hold a different opinion may call it propaganda.) For example, a religious institution would exalt their highest leader with glittering titles like ?The Holy Pontiff,? ?Right Reverend,? ?The Grand Ayatollah,? or other titles that suggest infallibility and closeness to the Supreme Being they worship. Governments do this very well also by bestowing titles like ?President,? ?Premier? or even ?Lord.? Again, these titles signify rank, privilege and prestige.

Objectification can have deadly consequences, too...

The darkest side of objectification is usually the domain of military organizations. It?s really hard to teach new recruits how to kill an opponent on the battlefield until you objectify ?the enemy,? link them with unflattering attributes and take away their humanity. If you want to see a grim portrayal of how that happens, I don?t know of a better example than the Nazi propaganda exhibit at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC. For those who haven?t seen it, they show how the Nazis systematically controlled their message about the Jews through spoken word, education, the media and the arts while force-feeding it to a population of people who had fallen on hard times and needed someone to blame.

Pulling it back in...

I apologize if that started to sound like a history lesson or book report. My purpose was to show how wide-ranging and prevalent it is in the human condition to objectify others. I also wanted you to see that whether it was systematic, enforced and purposeful like the Nazi?s...or if it was an accidental, slippery slope that sucks you in over time like prime-time ridicule...the end result is often corrosive and damaging.

So How Can We Use This?

First of all, I want you to be aware of the process and how it happens and either STOP IT or ?flip the script.? People are human and multi-faceted with numerous gifts, skills and abilities that dwarf any areas that ?need improvement,? so focus on what?s great and you?ll get more of it. Lastly, the sweetest sound to any soul is the sound of their own name so, whenever possible, use it...with a smile on your face and love in your heart.

But if you MUST objectify someone...

It?s perfectly okay and even nice to come up with a ?term of endearment? that lights you both up and makes you feel great. Try to focus on the things you LOVE about your partner and you might even want to add the word ?my? to it. After all, how are you going to show up when you have a disagreement with the person you call ?my baby? or ?my angel?? Maybe I?m crazy but I?ve never had a client who was ready to leave a partner they called ?my gift from The Uni-verse.? And I seriously doubt that I ever will...can you see how objectification can make or break you? Choose carefully, my friends...

I?d love to hear your thoughts!

Please leave a comment below and feel free to share with others. As always, if I can help in any way, please don?t hesitate to reach out.

# # #

Dave Elliott is A Relationship Coach and the founder of Legendary Love For Life. Check out his site at?


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Nextbook Premium 10SE: 9.7-Inch Android 4.0 Tablet for Under $250

October 23rd, 2012 by: Shane McGlaun

While the iPad mini is what?s on most people?s minds today, if your preference is for the Android OS, and?you?re on the lookout for a tablet with a big screen that won?t break the bank, you might want to check out the Nextbook Premium 10SE. The tablet has a large 9.7-inch screen and can be purchased?for less than $250(USD).

nextbook premium 10se

That much money won?t get you the highest performance tablet on the market, but the Nextbook Premium 10SE has decent features and specifications for the price. The tablet runs Android 4.0, Adobe Flash 11 and its 9.7-inch TFT capacitive touchscreen has a resolution of 1024 x 768. The tablet has an internal rechargeable battery and 8 GB of storage. While it doesn?t support cellular data, it does have 802.11 b/g/n wi-fi connectivity.

It has integrated G sensor and a 0.3 megapixel front facing camera ? just for video chat sessions. Once you run out of internal storage, the tablet has a microSD card reader for memory expansion. An additional 4 GB of its storage comes by way of an included microSD memory card.

So if you?re looking for an Android tablet on the cheap this holiday season, you can find the Nextbook Premium 10SE over?at Radio Shack?for $249.99.

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Tech Deals of the Day: 10/23/2012


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Friday, October 19, 2012

ScaleBase Lands $10.5M To Help Mozilla, AppDynamics & Others Scale Their Databases

Screen shot 2012-10-17 at 7.00.17 AMScaleBase, a Newton, Mass.-based startup that helps companies keep fast-scaling databases up-and-running, today announced that it has landed $10.5 million in series B funding, led by Bain Capital Ventures and Ascent Venture Partners, with participation from its existing investor, Cedar Fund. Having raised $4 million from Cedar in 2010, the investment brings the startup's total funding to just under $15 million. As scores of new web and mobile apps launch every day, increasingly companies are finding themselves working overtime to manage the intense processing requirements of big data and struggling to preserve up-time. For this reason, ScaleBase sees a big market opportunity for any company offering uninterrupted database performance solutions.


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Wole Soyinka: If Religion Was Taken Away, I&#39;d ... - PM News Nigeria

Published on October 18, 2012 by pmnews ????? 3 Comments

The Nobel prize-winner Wole Soyinka spoke this week at the Hay Festival in Mexico. In an extract from his talk, he tells Peter Godwin that now?s the time to tackle militants in Nigeria.

?? Professor Soyinka, you?re not an ivory-tower kind of writer. You are not a stranger to danger, and in fact you?ve been imprisoned on at least two occasions, once in solitary confinement. Can you tell me what that was like?

Writing in certain environments carries with it an occupational risk. When I was imprisoned, without trial, it was as a result of a position I took as a citizen. Of course I used my weapon, which was writing, to express my disapproval of the [Biafran] civil war into which we were about to enter. These were people who?d been abused, who?d undergone genocide, and who felt completely rejected by the rest of the community, and therefore decided to break away and form a nation of its own. Unfortunately, the nature of my imprisonment meant that I couldn?t practise my trade because I was in solitary confinement for 22 months out of the 27, and I was deprived of writing material. So I had to somehow break through the barriers, smuggle in toilet paper, cigarette paper, scribble a few poems, pass messages outside. I was able to undertake exercises to make sure that I emerged from prison intact mentally.

?? There have been high hopes for some African leaders after they were elected ? Meles in Ethiopia, or Museveni in Uganda, or Kagame in Rwanda ? but who then went to to show a more authoritarian bent. Are you an Afro-optimist or an Afro-pessimist?

I?m an Afro-realist. I take what comes, and I do my best to affect what is unacceptable in society. I?ve remarked how similar in many ways Mexico is to Nigeria, and to a number of places: we have the same condition of unstructured, unpredictable violence, both from the state and from what I call the quasi-state. Whether the quasi-state is formed, as its basis, of theocratic tendencies, or secular ideological rigidity, you always have forces, even outside the state, competing for the domination of people. That?s what?s happening on the African continent today. That?s what?s been happening in the Arab states and what led eventually to the Arab Spring. Gradually people come to the recognition after decades of supine submission that they are not whole as human beings.

?Your parents were Christians, Anglicans, I understand. How has your own religious belief evolved?

I consider myself very fortunate. I was raised in a Christian environment in Abeokuta, but another side of me was very much enmeshed in African values. I gravitated towards what I saw was a cohesive system of a certain relationship of human beings to environment, a respect for humanity in general. I came through a traditional system, where children not only had rights, but had responsibility. In the European world today, especially in America, it seems to be forbidden for children to have responsibilities?

I gravitated towards a deeper knowledge of the orisha, which represents the Yoruba pantheon, very similar in many ways to the Greek pantheon. You have reprobate deities, beneficent deities. I found that more honest than a kind of unicellular deity of either Christianity or Islam.

I don?t know if you?ve been following the news, but just a few days ago some of these Islamic fundamentalists butchered close to 50 students of a technical college. I cannot imagine the religion I was brought up in having such complete contempt for human lives. And yet these are supposed to be the world religions. So that?s why I consider myself rather fortunate that I?ve been able to see what other religions had to offer.

?? How should Nigeria deal with the Boko Haram, the Islamic militants in the north of the country?

All religions accept that there is something called criminality. And criminality cannot be excused by religious fervour. Let me repeat something I first said at the meeting organised by Unesco a few weeks ago, which was prompted by the recent film insulting the religion of Islam and depicting the Prophet Mohammed in a very crass way.

The first thing to say is that we do not welcome any attempt to ravage religious sensibilities. That can be taken for granted. But you cannot hold the world to ransom simply because some idiot chose to insult a religion in some far off place which most of the world has never even heard of. This for me is a kind of fundamentalist tyranny that should be totally unacceptable. So a group calls itself the Boko Haram, literally: ?Book is taboo?, the book is anathema, the book is a product of Western civilisation, therefore it must be rejected.

You go from the rejection of books to the rejection of institutions which utilise the book, and that means virtually all institutions. You attack universities, you kill professors, then you butcher students, you close down primary schools, you try and create a religious Maginot Line through which nothing should penetrate. That?s not religion; that?s lunacy. My Christian family lived just next door to Muslims. We celebrated Ramadan with Muslims; they celebrated Christmas with Christians. This is how I grew up. And now this virus is spreading all around the world, leading to the massacre of 50 students. This is not taking arms against the state, this is taking up arms against humanity.

? Is freedom of expression something you see as a universal right rather than as some Western construct?

There are many cultures on the African continent where days are set aside, days of irreverence where you can say anything you want about an all-powerful monarch or chief. It?s a safety valve. It?s a recognition of freedom of expression, which perhaps has not been exercised, and bottled up grievances; this is the day when you express your grievances in society. So there is no society, really, which does not boast some form or measure of freedom of expression. Now, it?s true that freedom of expression carries with it an immense responsibility. Well that is why laws of libel exist ? that when you carry things too far, you can be hauled up before the community, and judged to see whether you are right to call somebody a thief, or a hypocrite, and damage his reputation. But unless you establish that principle of freedom of expression, we might all just go around with a padlock on our lips.

? Audience member: I read somewhere my freedom ends where your freedom begins. In Europe there have been cartoonists who have mocked the Prophet. Should they limit their freedom of speech?

Religion is also freedom of expression. People want to express themselves spiritually. And they also exercise the right to try and persuade others into their own system of belief. Those nations that say it?s a crime to preach your religion are making a terrible mistake. All they?re doing is driving underground other forms of spiritual intuitions and practices.

If religion was to be taken away from the world completely, including the one I grew up with, I?d be one of the happiest people in the world. My only fear is that maybe something more terrible would be invented to replace it, so we?d better just get along with what there is right now and keep it under control.

The unrest which is taking place as a result of Boko Haram, in my view, has attained critical mass. When a movement reaches that state of total contempt even for universal norms, it is sending a message to the rest of the world, and to the rest of that nation, that this is a war to the end. The president of Nigeria is making a mistake in not telling the nation that it should place itself on a war footing. There?s too much pussyfooting, there?s too much false intellectualisation of what is going on, such as this is the result of corruption, this is the result of poverty, this is the result of marginalisation. Yes, of course, all these negativities have to do with what is happening right now. But when the people themselves come out and say we will not even talk to the president unless he converts to Islam, they are already stating their terms of conflict.

?This is an edited transcript of Wole Soyinka?s event at Hay Xalapa. Source: London Daily Telegraph

print Posted by pmnews 4 hours, 42 minutes ago on October 18, 2012, 3:13 pm. Filed under Interview, Metro, National, News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.


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Thursday, October 18, 2012

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All WWE programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans, wrestling moves, trademarks, logos and copyrights are the exclusive property of WWE, Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. ? 2012 WWE, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This website is based in the United States. By submitting personal information to this website you consent to your information being maintained in the U.S., subject to applicable U.S. laws. U.S. law may be different than the law of your home country. WrestleMania XXIX (NY/NJ) logo TM & ? 2012 WWE. All Rights Reserved. The Empire State Building design is a registered trademark and used with permission by ESBC.


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Ellie Goulding: Why Are People 'Fascinated By My Love Life'?

Though she's dating Skrillex, Goulding can't wrap her head around why the media keeps asking about her personal life ... or her hair.
By James Montgomery

Ellie Goulding
Photo: MTV News


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New Noninvasive Test for Colorectal Cancer Shows Promise

Posted on Oct 17, 2012

ANAHEIM, Calif. ? A new noninvasive test for colorectal cancer screening demonstrated high sensitivity for detecting colorectal cancer, in particular precancers that are most likely to develop into cancer, according to data presented at the 11th Annual AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research, held here Oct. 16-19, 2012.

  • Screening test measures DNA changes in three genes and detects occult blood.
  • Test shows 83 percent sensitivity for precancer with high-grade dysplasia.

?This test measures different kinds of DNA changes, known as methylation and mutation, along with a measure of fecal blood. By combining these measures, we can look for the kinds of biological changes that are most frequently found in precancers and cancers in the colon,? said Graham P. Lidgard, Ph.D., senior vice president of research and development and chief science officer at Exact Sciences, which developed the test and sponsored the study.? ?

Lidgard and colleagues analyzed 1,003 patient samples from 36 study sites and developed an analytic algorithm for the novel, automated stool DNA-based test platform, which generated a positive or negative result for each patient. The specimens were collected either before colonoscopy bowel preparation in screening and surveillance patients or at least seven days post-colonoscopy from patients with colorectal cancer and large precancers.

The control group included 796 patients with negative colonoscopies or small polyps (less than 1 cm), and the case group included 207 patients with confirmed colorectal cancer or precancers. ?

?By analyzing samples with confirmed diagnoses from colonoscopy, we were able to build an analytic algorithm that combines our 11 stool-based biomarkers into a single result,? Lidgard said. ?Through this study, we were able to demonstrate a high detection rate for both cancers and precancers using our automated analytic platform and algorithm.?

The researchers reported that the test detected 98 percent of all cancers as well as 83 percent of precursors with high-grade dysplasia and 57 percent of precursors 1 cm or larger overall, at 90 percent nominal specificity.

?We are encouraged by the results of this study for detecting cancer and cancer precursors, especially the precursor lesions with high-grade dysplasia, an abnormality broadly recognized as being associated with a higher risk for progression to cancer itself,? Lidgard said. ?Current screening tests using only fecal occult blood are biologically limited in their ability to detect precursors to colorectal cancer.?

Exact Sciences is involved in a large colorectal cancer screening study collecting samples from more than 10,000 patients prior to screening colonoscopy. The company plans to apply for FDA approval after completing the study.

# # #

About the American Association for Cancer Research
Founded in 1907, the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) is the world?s first and largest professional organization dedicated to advancing cancer research and its mission to prevent and cure cancer. AACR membership includes more than 34,000 laboratory, translational and clinical researchers; population scientists; other health care professionals; and cancer advocates residing in more than 90 countries. The AACR marshals the full spectrum of expertise of the cancer community to accelerate progress in the prevention, biology, diagnosis and treatment of cancer by annually convening more than 20 conferences and educational workshops, the largest of which is the AACR Annual Meeting with more than 17,000 attendees. In addition, the AACR publishes seven peer-reviewed scientific journals and a magazine for cancer survivors, patients and their caregivers. The AACR funds meritorious research directly as well as in cooperation with numerous cancer organizations. As the scientific partner of Stand Up To Cancer, the AACR provides expert peer review, grants administration and scientific oversight of team science and individual grants in cancer research that have the potential for near-term patient benefit. The AACR actively communicates with legislators and policymakers about the value of cancer research and related biomedical science in saving lives from cancer.

For more information about the AACR, visit

Media Contact:
Jeremy Moore
(215) 446-7109

Theresa Russel Lisa Snowdon

Read more:

  1. PFI hospital investigated due to breast cancer test errors
  2. With lung cancer, quitters do better than smokers
  3. With lung cancer, quitters do better than smokers
  4. Scientists find blood signatures for aggressive prostate cancer
  5. Survivor of Aggressive Breast Cancer Stresses Need for Quick Action
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Protests as Ireland's 1st abortion clinic opens

Protesters opposed to abortion hold placards outside the Marie Stopes clinic in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Thursday, 18, 2012. The first abortion clinic on the island of Ireland has opened in Belfast, sparking protests by Christian conservatives from both the Catholic and Protestant sides of Northern Ireland?s divide. The Marie Stopes center plans to offer the abortion pill to women less than nine weeks pregnant _ but only if doctors determine they?re at risk of death or long-term health damage from their pregnancy. That?s the law in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, where abortion is otherwise illegal. (AP Photo/Peter Morrison)

Protesters opposed to abortion hold placards outside the Marie Stopes clinic in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Thursday, 18, 2012. The first abortion clinic on the island of Ireland has opened in Belfast, sparking protests by Christian conservatives from both the Catholic and Protestant sides of Northern Ireland?s divide. The Marie Stopes center plans to offer the abortion pill to women less than nine weeks pregnant _ but only if doctors determine they?re at risk of death or long-term health damage from their pregnancy. That?s the law in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, where abortion is otherwise illegal. (AP Photo/Peter Morrison)

A protester opposed to abortion holds a placard outside the Marie Stopes clinic in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Thursday, 18, 2012. The first abortion clinic on the island of Ireland has opened in Belfast, sparking protests by Christian conservatives from both the Catholic and Protestant sides of Northern Ireland?s divide. The Marie Stopes center plans to offer the abortion pill to women less than nine weeks pregnant _ but only if doctors determine they?re at risk of death or long-term health damage from their pregnancy. That?s the law in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, where abortion is otherwise illegal. (AP Photo/Peter Morrison)

A protester opposed to abortion demonstrates outside the Marie Stopes clinic in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Thursday, 18, 2012. The first abortion clinic on the island of Ireland has opened in Belfast, sparking protests by Christian conservatives from both the Catholic and Protestant sides of Northern Ireland?s divide. The Marie Stopes center plans to offer the abortion pill to women less than nine weeks pregnant _ but only if doctors determine they?re at risk of death or long-term health damage from their pregnancy. That?s the law in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, where abortion is otherwise illegal. (AP Photo/Peter Morrison)

Protesters opposed to abortion hold placards outside the Marie Stopes clinic in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Thursday, 18, 2012. The first abortion clinic on the island of Ireland has opened in Belfast, sparking protests by Christian conservatives from both the Catholic and Protestant sides of Northern Ireland?s divide. The Marie Stopes center plans to offer the abortion pill to women less than nine weeks pregnant _ but only if doctors determine they?re at risk of death or long-term health damage from their pregnancy. That?s the law in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, where abortion is otherwise illegal. (AP Photo/Peter Morrison)

BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) ? The first abortion clinic on the island of Ireland opened Thursday in Belfast, sparking protests by conservatives from both the Catholic and Protestant sides of Northern Ireland.

The Marie Stopes family planning center will offer the abortion pill to women who are less than nine weeks pregnant ? but only if doctors determine they're at risk of death or long-term health damage from their pregnancy.

That's the law in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, where abortion is otherwise illegal.

But more than 200 protesters opposed to abortion under any circumstances gathered outside the central Belfast clinic hours ahead of its opening Thursday, waving placards reading "Keep Ireland abortion free."

And Northern Ireland Attorney General John Larkin wrote to lawmakers, who broadly oppose abortion, offering his help if they investigate the clinic's operations. Larkin said he could order the clinic to be closed only if evidence emerged of "serious criminal conduct" there.

Protesters demanded that the clinic be shut down regardless, lest it become a beachhead for expanding abortion rights in Northern Ireland, the only corner of the United Kingdom that has not legalized abortion on demand.

"We're in 2012. Women's health is not in danger. Women are not dying because they cannot get abortions," said Bernadette Smyth, the Protestant leader of a Belfast anti-abortion group called Precious Life.

"For Marie Stopes, this is only a first step," said Liam Gibson from the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, a predominantly Catholic pressure group.

He called on Belfast police to arrest the clinic's doctors and directors if they give women information about abortion services in neighboring Britain, where abortions have been legal since 1967. About 4,000 women from the Republic of Ireland and 1,000 from Northern Ireland travel there annually for abortions.

Officials from Marie Stopes, a British charity that already operates such clinics in more than 40 countries, said they expect to provide relatively few abortions in Northern Ireland, given the heavy legal restrictions.

But they said Belfast, and all of Ireland, needed a non-judgmental, non-threatening place where women in crisis pregnancies could go for guidance. They said their office was already receiving calls from women in the Republic of Ireland, where it's illegal to receive shipments of the abortion pill through the mail.

"Mostly what we'll be doing is offering advice. Many of the people we see we won't be able to treat, because of the legal framework," said Tracey McNeill, vice president of Marie Stopes.

McNeill said she had no problem with the protesters so long as they didn't threaten or intimidate clients. "It's important that people express their views in a democracy," she said.

Police erected crowd-control barriers outside the clinic on Great Victoria Street, one of Belfast's broadest boulevards, to prevent protesters from blocking the clinic's entrance and sidewalk. Clinic directors had tried to keep its location secret but that information was leaked last week.

The Roman Catholic Church, the largest church in both parts of Ireland, this week launched a monthlong campaign to press the Irish government to strengthen its constitutional ban on abortion. It has denounced the Belfast clinic's opening but shied away from calling for protests.

"We are in the middle of a struggle for the soul of Northern Ireland," said Bishop Donal McKeown, the senior Catholic in Belfast, who didn't attend the protest. He said Marie Stopes directors were seeking "to promote the acceptability of abortion."

Elsewhere in Northern Ireland, a group of teenagers at a Catholic high school announced they would hold daily lunchtime prayers for the clinic to be closed.

Sheila Fullerton, a teacher at St. Mary's Grammar School in the town of Magherafelt, said about 40 boys and girls aged 16 and 17 approached her asking to mount the protest. "They feel strongly this is something they must do," she said.

Irish abortion rights groups welcomed the clinic's opening but said they wouldn't mount counter demonstrations because that would only encourage potential violence and the intimidation of pregnant women outside the clinic.

The Northern Ireland Health Department says 30 to 50 women per year do receive abortions in local hospitals after doctors deem their pregnancies pose a sufficient risk to their health. It declined to elaborate.

Goretti Horgan, leader of a Belfast-based group called Alliance for Choice, said while the clinic wouldn't technically offer any increased access to abortion, it would encourage women to seek the abortion pill who previously had to seek state-funded services through their local doctor.

Horgan said general-practice doctors might be opposed to abortion themselves or fearful of being targeted by protesters or lawsuits. She said this meant women with life-threatening conditions still found themselves flying to Britain as a less difficult option.

"The main need for the clinic is for the women who are ill or very distressed and have a right to a legal abortion here. For those women, I think it's awful that they put those women on a plane, with their medical notes under their arms. It's scandalous," she said.

Like almost all Northern Ireland politicians, Health Minister Edwin Poots says he doesn't want the clinic in Belfast but it can operate as long as it observes all existing laws.

"If they break the law, they will be prosecuted," he told lawmakers.

The clinic also offers information on women's reproductive health topics such as contraceptives or sexually transmitted diseases.

The clinic's legal inability to offer any abortion option to women more than nine weeks pregnant means that those women seeking abortions because their fetus has been diagnosed with fatal abnormalities still must travel to Britain.

Ruth Bowie, spokeswoman for an Irish group called Terminations for Medical Reasons, said doctors can detect such problems only once the fetus is at least 12 weeks old.

Bowie said Northern Ireland's abortion laws mean the clinic "will be of no help to the women north and south who are facing the trauma and upset of fatal fetal abnormalities. Women and men in this situation continue to be forced to travel away from family, friends and their homes at the worst time of their lives."



Marie Stopes guide for Irish abortion-seekers,

Irish Catholic anti-abortion campaign,

Precious Life,

Associated Press


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Shuttle Endeavour's L.A. Journey Stars in Stunning Time-Lapse Movie

Space shuttle Endeavour, you're a star. A captivating new time-lapse movie has condensed Endeavour's recent three-day road trip to a Los Angeles museum into mere minutes, offering a spectacular tribute to the spaceship and the City of Angels.

The amazing time-lapse view of Endeavour's L.A. street journey, which ran from Friday to late Sunday (Oct. 12 to 14), was created by a team of photographers organized by Matthew Givot. The photographers spent four days following Endeavour's parade through Los Angeles as the shuttle made its way from Los Angeles International Airport to its final home, the California Science Center, to be placed on public display.

Mission 26 The Big Endeavour from Givot on Vimeo.


"The only thing that kept us going was pure love the art and adrenaline," Givot wrote in a?video description on Vimeo, where he posted the time-lapse movie "Mission 26: The Big Endeavour." The title is a nod to Endeavour's final trip after 25 space missions during its career.

Endeavour made the 12-mile (19 kilometers) trip from the airport to the museum at a slow, careful pace, with work crews taking care to avoid snaring the shuttle on power lines or scraping its wings on trees or other obstacles. [Photos: Shuttle Endeavour Arrives at L.A. Museum Home]

Huge crowds turned out to see the space shuttle drive along the streets of Los Angeles. While a NASA transporter vehicle hauled the shuttle much of the way, a Toyota Tundra pickup truck towed Endeavour across a 405 Freeway overpass during the trip.

"The biggest thing for me, it was the people," Givot told "It was just seeing the joy and excitement, and their pride of living in L.A. That was the best part of the whole thing."

It was clear to those watching Endeavour that the event was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, he added.

Givot was joined in the time-lapse project by photographers Joe Capra, Chris Pritchard, Brian Hawkins, Andrew Walker and Ryan Killackey. They worked closely with the Inglewood Police Department to prepare their jaw-dropping shots.

NASA retired Endeavour along with the rest of its space shuttle fleet in 2011 after 30 years of spaceflight. The agency plans to use new private?spacecraft to carry astronauts and cargo into orbit, and is developing a new rocket and space capsule for deep space missions.

Meanwhile, Endeavour and its sister ships Discovery and Atlantis, as well as the test orbiter Enterprise, are all being placed on public display, though Endeavour is the only one on the West Coast. ?Endeavour was delivered to Los Angeles on Sept. 21 after a three-day flight from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

"This has been an amazing experience that I will never forget," Givot wrote in his description. "My hope is that this film will show you the amount of dedicated people, and the teamwork, that it took to get the Endeavor to its new home."

You can follow Managing Editor Tariq Malik on Twitter?@tariqjmalik?and? on Twitter?@Spacedotcom. We're also on?Facebook?&?Google+.?

Copyright 2012, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Comprehensive Insurance Policies | Soldiers for Justice and Peace

Car Insurance Amarillo TX There are more cars and drivers hitting the road every year. With so many vehicles on the road, crashes will happen. The difference between a small aggravation and major obstacle can be car insurance. So how do you know what insurance you need and how much to buy? Auto insurance protects you by paying for damage or injury you cause others while driving your car, damage to your car or injury to you or your passengers from a crash, plus specific other occurrences, such as theft. Every state and province mandates car insurance by law. Without insurance, you risk having to pay the total price of any harm you cause others or of repairing or replacing your car if it is damaged or stolen.Liability pays for damages due to bodily injury and property damage to others for which you are responsible. Bodily injury damages include medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering. Property damage includes damaged property and loss of use of property. If you are sued, it also pays your defense and court costs. Higher recommended insurances are available that cover more than the lower, state-mandated insurance. Personal injury protection: This is required in some states and is optional in others. Sometimes referred to as no-fault coverage, this pays the medical treatment for you or your passengers regardless of who was at fault. It may also pay for lost earnings, replacement of services and funeral expenses. The minimum amount of this insurance is usually set by the state. Medical payments: This type of coverage is available in non-no-fault states and will pay no matter who is responsible for the accident. It pays for an insured person?s reasonable and necessary medical and funeral expenses for bodily injury from an accident. Collision: This pays for damage to your car caused by an accident. Comprehensive: Applies if your car is stolen or damaged by causes other than collision, including fire, wind, hail, flood or vandalism. Uninsured motorist: This pays for damages when an insured person is injured in a crash caused by another person who does not have liability insurance or by a person who cannot be identified (usually a hit-and-run driver). Under-insured motorist: This pays for damages when an insured person is injured in a crash caused by another person who does not have enough liability insurance to cover the full amount of the damages. Other coverage, such as emergency road service and car rental, is also available.Your auto insurance payments vary by company and will depend on several factors, including: *Your selected coverage *Your vehicle?s make and model * Your driving record * Your age, sex and marital status and * Where you live Some have come to think of auto insurance as a necessary evil, but it can truly rescue your economic health Evaluate your needs, do your research and with the support of your insurance agent make the decision that best suits you. More On Vehicle Insurance

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