Saturday, September 22, 2012

Baby Shower #1 Recap | Conventional Bliss

Now that both baby showers have come and gone; I figured it would be a good time (since I?ve been lagging on the baby/preggo posts this past week) on doing a brief recap of both showers.

This one will be quicker to write, since the photos from my shower last weekend are DSLR huge-annoying-but better quality pics that I won?t get a chance to upload ?til the wknd!

Anywho, last month, when I was about 27/8 weeks along, my MIL obliged us and threw us a wonderful family baby shower with Mr.Dubs? extended family up in Bay City (where MIL/FIL grew up, met, and still own their first home!)

She rented out a school building?s cafeteria and while she was afraid that the ?no air conditioning? might cause a problem? it worked out perfectly, because the day was beautiful with a slight cool breeze coming through the windows! :)

Mr.Dubs was such a good sport and joined me for the shower. I?m not a huge fan of showers or having the spotlight in any situation. He did a really great job of making me feel comfortable and introduced me to long-lost relatives that he hadn?t seen in years either. :)

(Sorry for the bad cut off, I think that?s FIL?s cousin?)

Mr.Dubs, MIL, Me, & FIL

Mr.Dubs? cousin Kayla

Mr.Dubs? Cousin?s Daughter, Ella<3

All in all, I survived without a panic attack (yep I get nervous)! And we ate a ton of good food and got see lots of aunts/uncles/cousins that we don?t get to see all too often. And of course, people were so generous? we made out with a TON of baby gear for our Lil? One!<3

I mean, seriously, a TON of stuff:

Happy Friday everyone!<3

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