Friday, September 28, 2012

SEO Time Traveling | Online Marketing News & Reviews

Sara | Sep 27, 2012 | 0 comments

Although SEO and Online Marketing may seem like a newer concept to some, it has been around since the 90?s. The terms: online?expert, guru, and wizard are to loosely thrown around and are now associated with any average Joe that knows how to work a computer.?Without?substantial knowledge or expertise in these areas you shouldn?t be referring to yourself as such. With the?mentality?of online gurus, experts and wizards, it seems this industry is becoming over-saturated. These behaviors are partly due to the reason why SEO is not as effective as it once was unless, you really are working with an expert who has the appropriate knowledge and?experience.

Back in 1995-1996 people discovered the beauty of the Internet. Sex sold for?millions?(even billions) online and people were starting to sell items out of their home. People quickly figured out that they to could sell products while making just enough money to get by, and without the hassle of clocking in at an actual ?job?. What doesn?t sound great about this? I don?t know anybody that wouldn?t enjoy doing minimal work to make decent money while still in their pj?s.

Years 1997-1999, proved to be the emergence of large online companies such as Amazon, Google,, and many, many more. These became huge commodities that are still huge to this day. During these times people become highly concerned about their online security, and the world ending. Due to these factors online entities lost funding and began to fizzle. Here is where SEO comes in to play.

2001-2002 dot com?s crashed due to the stock market crash. With dramatic financial declines came the decline of online marketing. Dot com?s crashed along with the stock market and with the downturn of the economy. However, it was SEO that helped rebuild dot coms and re-create their success.

Between 2001-2010 SEO was hugely successful in?implementing?online strategies that brought viewers to online entities while being secure. The SEO Boom continued up until about two years ago when highly ranked SEO became more difficult to?achieve. The SEO ?game? changed dramatically due to Google?s constant algorithm changes and the?emergence?of Market places.

Google claims it?s algorithm is changed in order to enhance white hat companies while weeding out black hat companies. However, Google may say they play a ?fair? game and give all businesses whether large or small the same treatment, but they clearly don?t. Somewhere behind the Google scene is the handpicking of companies such as: Amazon, Walmart, Target, and Zappos to be on the front line. With this search manipulation came about Market Places. Market Places allow smaller businesses to exchange purchases through a larger entity of their choice. Clearly little Mom and Pop shops aren?t on the same level or in the same playing field as the ?big dogs? (Walmart, Target, etc.) so why try to fight them when you can also get a chunk of their success??This not only helps the ?big dogs? but also the ?little dogs? to both?achieve?online success,?view ability?and positive ROI. With current desperate economic times more online companies are choosing this path.

Currently SEO includes working with online businesses to achieve results. With current updates and changes SEO Companies are no longer able to do all work while creating high results. What I mean by this is some companies just assume SEO Companies will create their online destiny?without?the help or work of the company?themselves. But this concept is no longer valid nor efficient. With emerging Social Media Sites and more consumer input SEO companies, as well as the online companies, need to work as a collaborative team to highly rank. For example, Facebook has proven successful for online businesses and are easily managed by an SEO company however, ?Facebookers enjoy hearing from the company owners?themselves. SEO does the work that increases Facebook traffic, creates more?view-ability?and?engagement?of fans but it?s the company owners that Facebookers are looking to hear from when sending messages or asking questions.

SEO is still an art form but now its just a different way of performing. Online Marketing and SEO Firms need more interaction with the business owners. Business Owners need ?to actually work with SEO Firms to build best practice and engage in online?tactics?that will entice buyers and customers to click. Those who are performing true SEO tactics are the companies that will survive in the future.Sales no longer come from just selling and buying links or adding content to a site. You need engagement, you need the store owners to be just as?passionate?about what they sell and make that?apparent?to their online marketing firm and?audience.

Related posts:

  1. Five SEO elements that stand the test of time
  2. Successful SEO Begins Here
  3. Save time, increase buzz

Filed Under: General ? Internet Marketing ? News ? Rants & Rankings


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