Friday, September 14, 2012

Product launch secrets | Women's Way To Wealth

Without being too cryptic (!) I?m excited to tell you that I?m working on a big product launch which will go ?live? soon.

I?m not here to sell you the product ? although I hope you?ll invest in it if it looks useful ? rather to share the product launch process.

Launching a product is one of the best ways to make money online and?I?ve spent many months preparing for this so thought it would be useful to share some of my experiences.

Firstly, there is much more to launching a product than making money. Of course, money is a major objective ?but there are many other benefits:

1. It?s a fantastic way to build your list. The model I?m using is based on advice from a good friend of mine, Rob Cornish, who I interviewed earlier this year (listen here to find out how Rob made over $300,000 in his first year online). It generates customers to your list as much as it generates income.

2. ?I?ve learnt SO much. Especially about creating and launching products. For my product launch I?ve taken existing content from my presentations, webinars and events, and repackaged them into a valuable new end-user product. There have been some technical issues to overcome with the video components but I know now how to package my content and information in the most appealing, multi-media, format. Result!

3. Working with JV (joint venture) partners has been key part of this process. Identifying the right people to work with, and partnering with them ?effectively, is crucial because your partners ? and affiliates ? are your most effective sales army. If you can motivate others to promote your products for you, you can leverage the power of their contacts. You get ten times the reach you could possibly manage working on your own.

4. I?ve built relationships with key influencers which will reap rewards long term and take my business ? and my personal brand ? in many new directions. New doors are opening and new opportunities presenting themselves, even as I work through this process.

5. New opportunities that have come about as a result of this process include invitations to speak at live events and webinars. Interview requests and JV opportunities. Building relationships with new business partners. Promotional opportunities, guest posting and writing invitations, and I?m even on course to publish a book!

6. On the technical side of things, I?ve spent the Summer teaching myself?OptimizePress and am using it for all of the Women?s Way To Wealth pages. OptimizePress is a fantastic WordPress theme for building sales pages, squeeze pages, membership sites, and designing professional looking pages using the familiar WordPress platform.

What I love about OptimizePress?are the templates where you just cut and paste your copy into their professionally designed pages, and bingo! You have amazing looking pages that convert well. It?s made me a lot of extra money already, so well worth the $97 investment. ?And, it?s got a sales funnel capability and a special product launch system that automates the product launch process. A real godsend!

7. I?m now an active member of the Warrior Forum and am using their excellent WarriorPlus system to launch my first ?WSO?. WSO is Warrior Special Offer and it?s a great way to launch a product to a group of 30-40,000 internet marketers in one fell swoop. My product is relevant to Warriors (in fact, it?s based on one of the most highly searched terms within the Warrior Forum!) so I?m expecting a busy time fielding all the ?enquiries that come with a high volume of sales.

8. Testing, testing, testing. Before launching any product it?s critical to test every element of the launch from the sales page to the opt-in pages, members site, download pages, videos and links. I?m lucky to have some very experienced partners who have successfully launched their own WSO?s and are giving me feedback before I go ?live?.

So, watch this space! The product will be rolling out very soon?.

Have you been involved in a major product launch and have any advice to share? I?d love to hear from you.


Tags: product launch, warriors forum


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